Monday 15 August 2011

Figure it out: Math ability is inborn!

LONDON: Ever wondered why some people are good at mathematics while many struggle with numbers? It's because they were probably born that way, scientists say.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University inBaltimore found that mathematical talent does not appear to be linked to all-round intelligence.

The ability to work with numbers may be something that is entirely predestined - either you have it or you don't, they said.

Previous research has indicated that "number sense" is basic to humans who use it to estimate things like the number of seats in a cinema or crowd sizes.

Now the researchers, who carried out tests on children too young to have been taught mathematics, found that people are either born with a mathematical brain or not, the Daily Mail reported.

During the study, 200 four-yearolds viewed flashing groups of blue and yellow dots on a computer screen and were asked which colour was shown the most.

The children then had to count items on a page, determine which of two numbers was greater or lesser, as well as read numbers.

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